WSU CSC Capstone logo WSU CSC Capstone

This course is broken up into several general phases. The first phase starts before the semester even begins. Dr. Sam and Seyed organize a set of projects for the students sponsored by external clients. There is usually a wide variety of sponsors in many industries. A few examples are listed below.

Each organization must come up with a 1 page summary of the system they would like their student team to develop. At this point the semester begins. In one of the first classes, the students are presented with each 1 pager and given the opportunity to ask questions. After being presented with the project summaries, each student force ranks the projects from top preference to last preference.

The instructors will then take the student preferences and match teams (sizing between 3-6 students) to each project. With this, the student teams will meet, organize, and contact their clients.

Following this, students meet on a weekly basis with their clients as they complete their deliverables throughout the semester culminating in delivering a completed application to their client.